句點 [full stop (BrE) / period (AmE)]
1.  置於句末.  疑問句與感嘆句以外的句子, 在語意做結束時使用.
     e.g.  I called you last night.
            You weren't at home.
2.  表縮寫.
     e.g.  Jan. / U.S. / Dr.
3.  網址中使用, 讀做dot
     e.g.  http://www.msn.com.tw

1.  分隔字或詞  (在and之前常被省略)
     e.g.   Apples, bananas, grapes, and strawberries are my favorite fruit.
             Watching TV, going shopping, reading books, and chatting with friends on line are the things I like to do in my free time.
2.  分隔短句或附加子句
     e.g.  If you keep calm, take your time, concentrated and think ahead, thenyou're likely to pass you rtest.
            Worn out after all the excitement of the party, the children soon fell asleep.
3.  為句子中的片語, 子句作補充說明時
     e.g.  Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, is my hometown.
4.  分隔由連接詞(and, as, but, for, or)連接的句子
     e.g.  We had been looking forward to our holiday all year, but unfortunately it rained every day.
5.  附加疑問句時使用
     e.g.  I was right, wan't I.
6.  對話的書寫時
     e.g.  "Come back soon," she said.
7.  引述時使用
     e.g.  Disraeli said, "little things affect likttle minds"
p/s  6 & 7  用法其實差不多, 注意說話的人放在句子後面時, 逗點要在引號的裡面, 說話的人放在句子的前面時, 逗號則放在引號的外面

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