Humm…. 對動名詞(Gerund)和不定詞(Infinitives)的用法搞不清楚…
Ok, 我先整理幾個規則, 如果還不能解答你的問題, 我們再繼續努力…
1. 可作主詞用,視為單數
Singing is a good way to relax.
2. 可作受詞,一些特定動詞之後必須接動名詞
I enjoy listening all kinds of music.
She avoids making same mistakes by practicing more.
3. 在介係詞之後
I’m just thinking about calling you.
You can make up your grades by retaking the test.
I’m used to taking bus to school. (這裡 “to” 是介係詞)
I’m looking forward to seeing you. (這裡 “to” 是介係詞)
4. 與go連用的特殊用法
Go + Ving → 表示去做某事(通常是戶外活動)
Go shopping, go fishing, go dancing, go hiking…
admit discuss mind put off
appreciate dislike miss quit
avoid enjoy permit recommend
can’t help finish postpone risk
consider keep practice suggest
1. 特定動詞之後必須接不定詞
I want to go shopping this weekend.
2. 特定形容詞之後接不定詞
I’m so happy to see you.
3. 表示 [意圖]
We go to school to learn more about the world.
4. 許多 it 開頭的子句中,作【補充說明】的動詞會以不定詞的型態出現
It usually takes a long time to learn a foreign language well.
It’s so much fun to meet different people from work.
5. 許多有 for + n. 之後會用不定詞
It isn’t hard for young kids to learn a foreign language.
It’s more difficult for adults to learn a foreign language.
Dangerous good necessary
Difficult great possible
Easy hard sad
Expensive important wrong
Fun impossible
Afraid glad relieved
Ashamed happy sad
Disappointed lucky sorry
Embarrassed proud surprised
Ready upset
Agree forget prefer offer
Ask hope promise pretend
Attempt learn refuse would like
intend Expect plan want
seem start appear
Decide need try
下列動詞+代名詞+ to V
Tell someone to invite someone to
Require someone to ask someone to
permit someone to need someone to
Order someone to expect someone to
Encourage someone to allow someone to
Force someone to would like someone to
Remind someone to warn someone to
Want someone to
Begin like hate start
Love can’t stand continue prefer
Can’t bear
Remember - remember to V>>記得要去做某事
- remember Ving>>記得做了某事
Regret - regret to V>>後悔說了某事
- regret Ving>>後悔做了某事
Forget - forget to V>>忘了去做某事
- forget Ving>>忘了曾經做過某事
Try - try to V>>努力嘗試
- try Ving>>試驗性質的嘗試
參考資料: Understanding and Using Engoish Grammar - Betty Schrampfer Azar
More Grammar Practice 2 - Heinle & Heinle Thomson Learning